ABOUT GoNear Technologies
Founded in San Jose, Costa Rica, and established in the USA, our tech hub is one of the best in Latin America and supports a global network of developers. With a focus on nearshore IT outsourcing, we're committed to bringing elite Latin American talent into contact with global corporations. Acknowledged for our dedication to quality and novelty, we have a history of accomplished projects that confirm our position as an industry-reliable partner.
We stay ahead of the curve in technology advancements. With a strong focus on innovation.
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Expert assistance is at your disposal from our team.

We handle several facets of expert IT services.

Web Development
Elevate your digital presence with our outstanding web development services. Our team not only excels in coding but also boasts significant experience in leveraging AI and Machine Learning algorithms for a smarter web infrastructure. This unique blend of expertise makes us an unrivalled choice for crafting advanced, user-friendly web solutions designed to keep your business ahead in the digital landscape.
Mobile Development
Embark on your digital transformation journey with our tailored mobile development solutions. We employ cutting-edge hybrid technologies like React Native to provide you with the flexibility and functionality you need across multiple platforms. For those seeking the superior performance and specific capabilities of native apps, our seasoned developers proficiently craft iOS and Android applications.

UI/UX Design
Elevate your digital presence with our outstanding web development services. Our team not only excels in coding but also boasts significant experience in leveraging AI and Machine Learning algorithms for a smarter web infrastructure. This unique blend of expertise makes us an unrivalled choice for crafting advanced, user-friendly web solutions designed to keep your business ahead in the digital landscape.
QA & Testing
Place your software in the trusted hands of our experts for comprehensive, multi-stage testing and auditing. Utilizing cutting-edge tools and DevSecOps methodologies, we ensure your software meets the highest quality and security standards. Our rigorous testing process enhances reliability, efficiency, and overall user satisfaction.

IT Consultancy
Our IT consultancy services extend beyond mere advice. Our team is committed to walking with you every step of the way, offering continued support and strategic insights even post-implementation. This ensures that your technology investments translate into tangible business results, enhancing performance, and propelling growth.

Dedicated Team
Our customers have enjoyed significant success by utilizing our expertise in building, motivating, and managing dedicated teams. Our seasoned professionals possess diverse skills in various technologies and methodologies, enabling us to provide customized solutions that boost business growth and yield outstanding ROI. Our approach exemplifies the effectiveness of collaborative success.

We Deliver Solutions with the Goal of Trusting Workships